Showing 3 Result(s)

Glimpse the Future at The Crystal

One part science museum, two parts corporate advert, Siemens’ The Crystal in Royal Victoria Dock is a so-so introduction to environmental science, so long as you like it sponsored. The new glass buildings that sprout like weeds along the revamped docklands of east London rarely conceal their true identities, their storeys-tall names calling out like sponsored beacons in the London fog. But I thought that maybe, just maybe, this squat, spear-cornered building at Royal …

#74: Sail through the Museum of London Docklands

Covering 2,000 years of history in one place is no easy feat, but the Museum of London Docklands does it beautifully, keeping you rolling through the story of the River Thames right up to the contentious present day. A year ago, I moved to East London, and it’s been my perfect place. Living a 15-minute walk from the River Thames and the old Docklands means that I get to experience first-hand one of the fastest changing neighbourhoods in London. …

#403: Fly London on the Emirates Air Line

So many of these 1,000 London Things involve slowing down to look at the view. Sometimes there’s nothing you need more in a pulsing city like this than to stop in the middle of everything (no matter how much it annoys everyone who has to walk around you) and remember that you are part of this system. You are this place, and this place is you. #403: Dangle on the …