Showing 2 Result(s)

#200: See the City from Parliament Hill

Few of London’s neighbourhoods command majesty like Hampstead. Best of all is the square mile of luscious green parkland that is Hampstead Heath. The crowning glory of this part is Parliament Hill with panoramic views across the whole of London. After spending a few hours at the Freud Museum, we trekked through the posh, are-you-sure-we’re-even-allowed-to-walk-around-here, orange brick neighbourhood to Hampstead Heath, officially my favourite London park. London Thing 200 of 1000: Take in the …

#273: Claim Your Couch at Everyman Cinema

Everyman Cinema is how every cinema should be done. Snuggle up on a couch and press the button for a waiter and snacks to magically arrive. “What?! You haven’t seen that movie? But… how does that even happen?!” I admit it. I’m bad at watching movies. Really, really bad at it. I’m one of those people who has fallen asleep in the theatre. But I didn’t fall out of my seat, …