Showing 3 Result(s)

#403: Fly London on the Emirates Air Line

So many of these 1,000 London Things involve slowing down to look at the view. Sometimes there’s nothing you need more in a pulsing city like this than to stop in the middle of everything (no matter how much it annoys everyone who has to walk around you) and remember that you are part of this system. You are this place, and this place is you. #403: Dangle on the …

#871: Walking Under Water

It’s not often that you get to go under water without getting wet, so perhaps it’s no surprise that this Victorian-era curiosity ended up in the 1,000 Things guide. Construction started in 1899, and the tunnel opened three years later to replace the expensive and unreliable ferry service that took workers from the south side of the River Thames to London’s docklands. (No, I’m not talking about today’s River Boat …

Become a fanatic at the Fan Museum

You could say that Greenwich and I are polar opposites. I come from a place that’s 650 miles from the nearest sea, a place where the most famous watersport is antique bathtub racing in our local river (well, until everyone stopped doing that). I come from a place where sushi should never set foot because it’s probably grown feet by the time it’s gotten there. Greenwich, on the other hand, …